Trying to take the shortcut (disobedience) prolongs what God has for us.  Stop always saying “I Know.”  What should have taken months takes years because we don’t obey where God is leading us.  We allow the devil to distract us and make us take the long route.
1 Samuel 30
David was too busy trying to hang with the Philistines instead of handling his business.  He left things unattended!  TEND TO YOUR HOUSE so the devil can’t steal, kill, destroy what belongs to you.  Don’t be so focused on satisfying your flesh that you forget to tend to what God has given you.

David’s men were following David, not God and it let them to be attacked.  Focus on following God, not people.  This goes for following leaders also.

David encouraged (strengthened) himself in the Lord.  Not in people or social media.  He repented and prayed.  Stop telling everybody else and get before God!!!  David asked God how to proceed.  Let the Lord direct you.

In disobedience God allows things to happen so we call on Him!  Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed.  If you were drowning, wouldn’t you call out to the person who could swim?  Call out to the one who can help you!  Reach out, look up!

It’s not about what people do or say to you but how you respond that shows the God in you.  There is strength in walking away from foolishness.  The Holy Spirit will being calm when the flesh rises!

God is trying to guide you but you can’t hear His voice if your distractions are too loud.  Turn off the tv, radio, etc.  That small thing you hear from God (that you ignore) could be the thing that breaks all your prayers open.

Make it harder for the devil.  Stop falling for the same stuff!

Don’t take the ticket for the emotional rollercoaster!  It makes you unstable.  Turn in your tickets!

Even though David messed up, God still turned it around for him.  No one David oversaw was killed.  God’s protection and favor!  God said SHALL SURELY to David.  He has already made a way for us without fail!

When God says YES, you still have to wait to hear WHEN!  We can’t miss God’s timing.  When He says GO, GO NOW!  Don’t wait.

Get in God to get your strength!!  He is our SOURCE!  Nothing missing, nothing broken!!

Pursue! Overtake!  Recover ALL!!!

Quickly repent when you fall.  Repentance is turning away from (180 degrees).  A repentive heart is sorrowful and weeping.  God hears and forgives genuine repentance

Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

Notes from 8/28/16
Gen 4:1-15
You shall rule over sin – it’s waiting at the door.
You can’t play with God & get blessed
Use the dominion and power He already gave to you!
Let it go so He can bless you (whatever it is)
Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, watch what goes in!
Change should be evident in you if you say that you are a Christian.
What does being a Christian mean if you aren’t being Christ-Like?  You don’t pray, read, assemble, love others!  What’s the point of saying you’re a Christian
You can’t accomplish the things of God with a worldly perspective!
The devil wants us to ought with our brothers and sisters to cause division.  Don’t open the door for the devil.
Christians should be able to overcome the things of the devil.  Strengthen yourself in the Word
You can’t fit in where you don’t belong
Get thick skin!
Pretending vs Real Deal Christians (many are called but few are chosen)
God wants our sacrifice, not our leftovers.
Remember that the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous (Proverbs 13:22).  Let them get your wealth and store it up for you!!
When something makes you upset, examine yourself and allow God to reveal what that thing is!!!  Take the correction and USE it!!!
You aren’t really blessed until you line up and give God what’s due Him.  If you aren’t in line, you aren’t blessed, you are under grace!
Don’t just be a hearer or quoter of the Word.  Be a DOER!  It’s about your lifestyle!
Prophesy often comes with condition.  There is something that you MUST do!!
What are you expecting?  You will receive what you expect.
What do you have to offer from your belly?  Do you have the Holy Ghost?
Wonder why you keep going through the same things – Get and STAY in the Word so that you are able to STAND!!
Christians have to learn how to handle stuff – be strong in the Lord.
When you have a relationship with God – nothing else matters (not bills, job, stress, etc)
When you know who you are in God, you know that you can fight with DUNAMIS power, stand and WIN!!
Confuse the devil.  Stop falling for the same stuff.  Make him work.
Have discernment to see it and OVERCOME by the Word.
Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

Notes from 9-25-16
You can’t be fed if you don’t open your mouth.
You can’t go IN if you don’t have anything to offer.
Stop worrying about people and what they say.  What does GOD say?
Isaiah 58:1
Obey the Word!
I Corinthians 14:8
We follow what everyone else says (without even checking it) but we don’t follow what God says or we have questions and doubt.
You can’t comprehend the truth when you hear it because you haven’t been taught correctly.
You can’t be a Christian and follow untruth
Happiness only lasts a moment but JOY is EVERLASTING
The world finds happiness in things.  The devil wants you to chase things so it distracts you from chasing God!
Don’t listen to everything people say, DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!  This includes your Pastor.  Make sure it is really in the Word.
Do your actions show that you got the Holy Ghost for real?
Do you change after you leave church, not just your emotions but your LIFE!
You gotta put time in!  Put in the Work!!
You can’t hear if you aren’t there!  SHOW UP!
I Samuel 15:3
If you satisfy your flesh, you are killing your spirit
Are you really doing your best?  Your best is being OBEDIENT!

Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

Notes from 10/2/2016

Sister Tamela:           “I Will Not be Devoured” Ephesians 6:16
If He is correcting you again, you still haven’t gotten it right.
1 Peter 5:8 – it says may devour (not can or will) We must be wide awoke, alert, watchful. If he gets you, you weren’t being watchful
Jesus has us (so stop looking for people to have you)
If you’re getting devoured it is because you are weak somewhere.
Your testimony can save a life!
REFUSE to be devoured
Galatians 5:1 – God’s blessings are there but you can’t receive if you moved from where he placed you.
God doesn’t want your sorrow, He wants your praise

Sister Riketa:            Can Our Spirits Live” Ezekiel 37:1-14
Don’t get dried up!  The Word gives life!
Prophesy in the areas we get weak in
SPEAK – Bring those dry areas back to life
When you fall, get back up and dust off – Don’t lay there and let your bones dry up Jeremiah 29:11
Examine yourself and PRAY

Brother Thomas:      What Manner of Spirit are you?” Luke 9:51-56
Jesus still saved lives after being rejected (so what’s our excuse)
Spirit verse Emotions (Spirit is stronger)
We let all these things (anger, depression, etc) take a seat but not the Holy Spirit
You are so emotional, you are playing musical chairs – what seat are you in today? We NEED the Holy Spirit   2 Timothy 1:7
Acts 1:8 – You have those things still because the Holy Spirit still hasn’t come upon you!

Sister Clare:  “A Chosen People” Deuteronomy 7:6-9
God chose us because He loves us.
Chosen to be holy; set apart
Romans 7:14-24
God is faithful and has brought us out of bondage
Shouldn’t be in the same bondage as before you got saved
There are no excuses to be bound
Number 13:30-33
You are an eagle, not a grasshopper
Proverbs 23:7

Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn


John 7:53-8:12

Know and LIVE the Word
Adjustment is necessary (get in YOUR right place)
God already did it so it is your turn to do something. The seat in your car doesn’t adjust by itself.  You have to use your arms, legs, etc to make the adjustment.
He is trying to help you help you!
You must be in your proper seat to see.  Not someone else’s seat.  Adjust
Don’t get stuck on man’s stuff that you miss God’s
Can’t make anyone be where you are in God.  They have to want to be there and God has to get them there
We prolong our blessings due to disobedience, being hard-headed and wanting to do it our own way.  God is READY to bless us, but we stop it.
Adjust according to the Word!!
The devil’s job is to bring distractions to keep you from hearing Jesus
Don’t let anyone distract you
Keep the devil UNDER your feet
Reverence for the church has been lost.  No fear of God anymore.  People come into church and don’t even repent.  Where is our conviction???
The Blood and Jesus have left the church!!
Pastors should lead, not just sit there.  Be an example!!!  You should be the first one lifting your hands and entering in during praise and worship.
When you are a Christian there should be CHANGE in your life.  You shouldn’t be the same old you.  ADJUST!
Take time to groom yourself in the spirit.
Philippians 4:19 – God supplies all our need including our need to change!
God allows us to be tested so we can change!!!  We are tested for a reason.
Instead of questioning, just do it and find out the reason later.
Don’t fight against the adjustment!!
When you are in the Faith Zone people don’t like you.  They say you are too spiritual.  You have to shut people out!! Faith will get you somewhere in God.
The accusers said they caught her in the very act of adultery.  What were they doing there?  Why didn’t they stop her before she sinned??
When someone is going through PRAY for them.  Only say something if God gave you something to say.
Don’t judge/misjudge.  Mind YOUR business.
The devil is a liar so why do we believe his lies
Shut down gossip and drama.  When you do, you will find out who is who.
When you get irritated it’s not them, it’s YOU.  Examine yourself.  Why are you worried about what they are doing?
Don’t let people change your attitude/atmosphere
Stop claiming things that are not of God (broke, sickness, generational curses).  Watch what you say.
Christians are STRONG!  We have to go against the world
Not only did Jesus not accuse her, he told her to go and sin no more!!!
Always remain grateful (thankful) for grace and mercy.  Don’t take it for granted.
Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

You Can but You Can’t
Pray for your mind every morning.  Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus Philippians 2:5
The devil attacks your mind (that is where he does his dirty work).  We sit in church and our mind isn’t even in it (body is there but mind is somewhere else – thinking about something else).  NOT FOCUSED
The devil is a distracter and he wants to block what God has for you.
Can’t get mad at God when you allowed the devil to distract/block you.
Look to the hills for which cometh my help Psalms 121:1
Focus comes by staying in the Word.  Our help is in the Word.  Jesus is the ANSWER
Joshua 1:8 – prosperity is nothing without Christ
Meditate on the Word day and night!  Let it soak in (marinate)
The Word and the Anointed can’t just be on you, it is IN you!  You can’t just take it off like a jacket and put it on only when you’re in church.  It is always with you.  It goes wherever you go.
If the anointing/Holy Ghost is IN you, you aren’t easily moved.  You are able to bypass a lot of things.  Your attitude shouldn’t adjust when you are corrected.
Observe ALL that is written – can’t block out certain scriptures.  Can’t know if you don’t read but not knowing is not an excuse.  Study to show thyself approved 2 Timothy 2:15
Your soul is your will, emotions and mind (Flesh).  Your spirit is saved, but your soul is being saved.  Die daily!  Your spirit is what wants to get closer to God.  The stronger one will always win so you have to feed your spirit. Override the flesh man (The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak – Matthew 26:41)
When you have God, you don’t have to submit to what they world says.
Fight in the spirit even if you don’t see it in the natural.  There will always be a struggle – especially in the mind.
I came to get what I need from God.  I don’t care who is looking or who says what.  What does God say?
The devil sends illusions and will magnify things.  Don’t assume someone is talking about you or looking at you, ask!
Psalms 1:1-2 – meditate day and night and line your life up with the Word.
There is a difference between sins and strongholds.  You can’t just ask forgiveness and a stronghold be gone immediately.  You do the same things over and over.  You must spend time….fast, pray and confess your fault.
A lot of people don’t want to confess because they are prideful. The devil keeps a hold on you.  If you never confess, you can never be free!!!  If you can’t let something go, you are hooked!  Check yourself to identify strongholds (what do you keep dealing with over and over and don’t want people to know).  The devil says it is your little secret because he doesn’t want you to be free!
The devil only throws at you what he knows you are attracted to.  You must be steadfast, unmovable I Corinthians 15:58.  You can’t bypass it.
Romans 12:1-2 – don’t conform but be transformed by renewing your mind.
God knows what we need and when it is time.
Your mind is in Christ so what you say shall be.  WAIT on it – don’t get discouraged if it does happen right away.  They that wait upon the Lord…. Isaiah 40:31
People want everything quick.  Microwave speed.  Nobody wants to labor, cry out, pray until it happens.  God knows what you’re ready for!
The church is supposed to stand out, not follow the world or other churches.
Isaiah 26:3 – peace will come when you stay in the Word and pray like you should.  We know it but don’t do it.
If you aren’t submitting to god, you can’t do what you can do!!  You can but you can’t!
The devil can only do what we let him in to do.
You choose to be jacked all day when something bad happens.  Change the day by changing your mind!
If you look outward, you remain stuck, but focus inward.  Build your spirit man.
The spirit is reflected by the way you portray yourself.
If your life doesn’t line up, the Word is just words.
Proverbs 4:23 – What is in your mind goes into your heart and what’s in you will come out.
Continue to read your Word, even listen to it.  Your spirit man is receiving it even when your natural man isn’t paying attention.
What you gonna do with the Word that comes in?
We should always be in the process of changing (being saved)
Just like we used to fight in the natural, we have to fight in the spirit!Noted by, Sister Letrice Littlejohn

Notes 10/30/2016 – Men’s Takeover Sunday
Theme Scripture: Psalm 18:1-3Brother Jamall
David (after God’s heart) vs. Saul (after man’s heart).  They were beefing and the people didn’t want to listen to Samuel (read I Samuel)
When you keep God first, He will be your protector, fortress
Think on WHY you thank God.  Remember where He brought you from.
Nothing without God.  He is our strength.
When you are anointed some people try hard to feed on you, not feed you.  They have hidden motives and want to attach to you for the wrong reasons.
Samuel went to God first instead of going to people.  He was about to warn the people.
Look correctly by looking to God first.
When something is good we can’t want to share (Share the Good News).
When you see Saul coming, RUN!

Brother Montrell – Don’t Knock it til you try it, Try JESUS
It is nonsense to think you can just read the Bible and teach yourself.
Call upon the Lord and pray!
When you give your life to the Lord, people will start coming against you and trying to get you to go back to the way you used to be.
You have to let people go (even family).  Some of them didn’t belong in your life in the first place.
Thank God even in the little things.  Just for waking you up.
God wants you to thank Him, not just having two hour prayers but constant communication.
Don’t just go to church, get ENGAGED. When you get engaged, you get closer to God.
We trust people in the street so why is it so hard to trust God?
People in the streets trust their guns, but the BIBLE is your gun!
Use what you know to help you understand the Word.  Relate it to your life and experiences.
Don’t knock it til you try it, TRY JESUS!
Brother Shane – The Lord: Our Rock and Our Horn
Rock = strength, source (Matthew 16:18)
Horn = strength, power, dominion, glory, and chiefness
Not ashamed of the Gospel (Romans 1:16)
When things happen (or don’t happen) in our lives, the devil tries to come in and trick your mind.  He sends people to get you to go back.  He wants to distract you.
You have to have something to lean on (Rock!)
4 Qualities of Christian Conduct
Have the right attitude (Matthew 5:1-12 – beatitudes) – be happy in all things
Bear the right fruit (Galatians 5:22) – characteristics of God
Warring and Preparing for Spiritual Defense (Ephesians 6:10-18) – Armor of God
Obey the commands of Love (Matthew 22:37-39)

Pastor Vic
God should be your only stronghold!
No one should be able to shake you from God
Read your Word like you are supposed to!
Faith is important.
Doubt cancels faith.  Don’t waiver in your faith
This is our practice run.  We have a chance to get it right
Don’t let NOBODY take Jesus from you!

Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

Notes 11/4/2016 – Bishop Combs
Covenant Promise
I Peter 1:3-5
Hebrews 10:23-25
Ephesians 3:6
Take hold of His promise and ride with it.
Promise is only as good as the one who promised it to you!
Receive the Promise.  Take it to the King!!
Signed in Jesus Blood
Covenant can’t be broken
No weapon formed shall prosper
Stop looking at it and SPEAK to it!!
Activate Kingdom Principles
Trust Him…you don’t need to see it.
Got fired in the natural but got promoted in the spiritual
Step right out of the boat by faith!  Step right over your problems.Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

 Notes 11/5/2016 – Pastor Mark Ferguson
The King Has Sent for Me!
I am Favored by God!  Favored and I know it.
2 Samuel 9:1-5
I Samuel 20:14-15
Be careful who your enemies are.  Many times they are not outside but right next to you.
Somebody you trusted dropped you and now you are walking with a limp.
People start to call you by your condition, not your name.
Some people don’t remember the good as soon as you make a mistake (Mephibosheth the son of shame)
He was royalty but forced into Lo-Debar (wasteland, barren, desolate, the “other side”) because of his disability.
You allow your situation or condition to put you (or keep you) in Lo-Debar
The King has called for you!! 2 Samuel 4:4
To FETCH (bring by any means necessary)!
Condition/position does not always have to deal with you!!  God wants to get the glory!!!
Too many Christians die in Lo-Debar.
Sometimes your enemies see what you don’t even see.
The devil wants to destroy the anointing that is inside of you!
When you have the anointing people will try to discredit you.
Believe that God will turn it around.  Come to Jerusalem!!
In Jerusalem, God will make you NEW!! And you will be treated like royalty!Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

Notes 11/6/2016 – Pastor Mark Ferguson
Stewards of the Mysteries of God
Destiny is God’s gift to us.  What we do with it is our gift to God.
You can’t lead if you can’t inspire
Stewards are caretakers
Ephesians 6:19
I Corinthians 4:1-5
Prayer: Let the devil be horrified; your people edified; you glorified; and I’ll be satisfied
It is said that preaching is presumptuous (failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate)
You can’t preach about a God you don’t know!
No matter what a preacher will always fail because man doesn’t have the wisdom to describe how big God is.
Man’s infinite mind can’t comprehend a finite God.
God is limitless! God is endless!
People will question the validity of your call, the authenticity/sincerity of your praise/worship, and the accuracy of your message.
Remember it is the Message, not the messenger
Preaching is spoken communication of divine truth with view to persuasion.
Some remember who you were and don’t think you’re qualified (not going back to Lo-Debar)
God not only reached down, but He extended His Hand for me
Made in God’s image = Spiritual.  Made in God’s likeness – Physical (the way we look)
God trusted us enough to put His lips on us and breathed life/anointing into us.
We can only be blessed if we operate in our call
Cherish each other’s gifts
Jesus took our place on the cross because the plan He had for us
He gave us another chance after we burned the second chance.
The shedding of His Blood makes us worthy
Been saved – out of the power of sin; darkness
Being Saved – walking continuously; getting strength
Eternally saved – enter the presence of God
Stop acting like you got it all together.  God is still molding you
The greatest privilege is God’s trust to carry His Word
Stick your chest out as a child of a King/ the Most High!
You can’t study, pray, fast but always want to preach!
We are never to engage in narcissism
God is for everybody.  He is available ANY TIME.  You can reach Him ANY TIME….we are the ones who aren’t.
The problem isn’t God, the problem is us!
We are to be a surrogate of Heavenly Cargo….approach with caution.  Can ignite at any time.
God is not obligated to bless you when you curse His people.
We can know God’s past, present and Future by the Word.Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

From Evangelist’s Testimony – Because you already went through the test, when you see it again, you will know how to pass!!!
I Kings 17:8-16
Dilemma – difficult situation
Disguise – change appearance, conceal, deception, cover the truth
Disguise comes to cover the appearance, to hide the truth
We are quick to do the easy stuff from God
The widow only went by what she saw (the dilemma)
God allowed this so she could see where her faith was.
If we knew who God was, we would know that He will supply our every need.
The devil puts up a disguise to keep you from knowing the truth.
Go deeper than what you see.
What we see in the natural causes us to worry and have doubt.  Fear cancels faith!
Things are set up so we can know who God really is!
It is meant to make us, not break us.
We depend on people, who will forsake us and leave us.  Don’t look to people, look to God
Don’t forget who God is when you have a dilemma
Your actions will show who you really trust.  God sees your heart. Your intentions
God wants to get all the glory!
Stay in Faith through the dilemma
We struggle with things because we won’t let God in!
God can’t get in if the door is locked.
He will make a way if we let Him in.
Why do we open the door for the devil but not God?
Trust, Lean, and Depend on God!
We live for God’s glory!
If Jesus is IN you, you don’t need anything or anybody else.
The blessing is at the end!!! Your miracle is waiting on you!!!
Your heart and mind have to be lined up regardless!!
God is the supplier of all we need.
Giving up a can of beans can be the avenue for someone to bless you with a bag of groceries
Be willing to let go and trust God with your last.
When God speaks, EVERYTHING has to line up (oil, flour, everything)
Things change when God speaks.
God doesn’t operate in normal.
OBEY!  Do what the Bible says, IT WORKS!!
Elijah obeyed and spoke.  The woman listened and obeyed!
We can’t expect God to move if we don’t obey
No sin will enter into heaven (Revelations 21:27)
Examine yourself.
Give the dilemma to God, pray, get in the Word, move past it and don’t go back!
He left the Holy Ghost for us to FOLLOW
God is trying to get you in your right place.
You can’t get Boaz acting like Jezebel
You have to want to be fixed
There is a time you have to wait and prepare yourself
You attract what you put out
2 Kings 20 – Hezekiah gets sick.  He was warned to get right and get his house in order because he is going to die.  God will have someone prick you to get you out of normalcy.  God added 15 years to his life because he obeyed and did something different (cried out to God)
Don’t get to a place where God has to MAKE you do right.
Seek Him
Wherever God is, I AM!
The Word stands forever
You want things to change in your life then OBEY the Word of God
You reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7-8)
What’s done in the dark comes to the light (Luke 12:3)
God allows some situations to help us and show us
Obey the Word of God!!
You can’t do both.  You have to make up your mind!
Obedience is better than sacrifice (I Samuel 15:22)Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

Notes 11/20/2016 – GET IT TOGETHER
God sees your press!
God called us to be separate.  Don’t compare yourself to the World
No matter what comes or what people may say, think or feel, you have to be willing to go ALL the WAY for God!
Don’t look at what you see, look to the Word!!
When the Truth is in the House, a lot of people won’t be there.
Look at how many truly followed Jesus (the rest were just there to see)
When God is present, there will be change. Yokes will be destroyed
Nobody wants correction anymore.  Nobody truly wants to change (new age church)
It’s about how bad you want it!
We go out the way for what we want in the World (put things on layaway, borrow money, make payments, etc.), but we slack in the Lord.  We get lax.
God knows if you are really trying.
You have to make the effort!  Read your Word, pray!
I Corinthians 2:1-5
When Paul met Jesus he was changed instantly (we are too but being saved is a process)
Paul was very direct.  When you speak make sure people can understand you so they don’t miss it.
Make sure you understand what your are speaking
Simplify the message, not complicate
Preach the Gospel (Holiness)
Some want to lay hands on people but don’t have the Holy Ghost or discernment
The people get in an uproar for nothing and say Amen when what’s being preached isn’t even making sense or lining up with the Word.
If you don’t get the Gospel, when you’re in real trouble, you don’t have anything to offer.
What do we have Christ for if we don’t share?
People want/need to hear your testimony
If it’s not in the Word, why do I need it?
Man’s words won’t keep you!!!!
Drop good seeds in people
You wonder why the devil is always after you, but you are carrying his seeds (jealousy, envy, hatred, etc.) so he is after what belongs to him.
If we are called by God, why are we stuck?
Seek God First (Matthew 6:33)
Get God’s wisdom so you can choose correctly
When God says separate OBEY!  Cut it!
It doesn’t matter who agrees or not, the Truth will Stand
Instead of gossiping, PRAY!
Galatians 1:1-7
Only one Gospel: Jesus Christ and Him crucified
“New Age Church” is perverted gospel.
“Sin-Less” what does that even mean? What does the WORD say??
What are you “fitting in” to?  Is it helping you?
Know what the Word says
If it makes your flesh feel good, it isn’t right!
Check YOU!
Doesn’t matter who says it, if it is against the Word, it isn’t the Truth!!
Genesis 3:1-4
The devil twists the truth.
People are spiritually dead and don’t even know it.
When you are spiritually dead, you lose your appetite for God….unless you repent.  Ask God to forgive, renew, and restore you.  It will be a press
There are always consequences for our choices
Without the Gospel, Everything is dead (praying, giving, faithfulness is all gone/dead)
The devil doesn’t mind you coming to church, singing, and praising because he knows he can snatch the seed as soon as you leave.  He knows he has you.
We don’t know who we really are.  Children of the King.  You are SOMEBODY!
When God is in you, people will recognize and respect
Walk in the room with confidence (people will ask who is that).  We have dominion, authority and power!
Ask God to show you, YOU so you can recognize who you are
Pray and set the atmosphere
You are carrying precious cargo!
They are talking about you, they are talking about the God in you.
Don’t put your mouth on people based on what you think!  You don’t know who God called.
Paul is telling us to Get it TOGETHER!  Get it right!
He did it with demonstration (I Corinthians 2:4)
Your life has to match up with the Word
God wants us to be connected to Him (not people)
Pray for yourself (get in your rightful place)
People are spiritually bypassing you.  It’s not your leader’s or God’s fault.  It’s YOU!
Get before God and be sincere.  Really want it!
If you really trust God, you would run to him in situation, not to people.  You wouldn’t get nervous or complain.  You would just go through knowing that God’s got you!!  You might not know why it is happening but trust God!  You may not see the way out, but trust God!
All things work together (Romans 8:28)
Trust God unconditionally!
You started off good, ran well.  Was excited when you first got saved.  Who hindered you? (Galatians 5:7)
You hindered you!! You have your own mind so can’t point the finger at anyone else.  We make our own choices.
The Holy Ghost will check you but we bypass the check
We disobey and get JACKED!
We hinder our own walk, blessings and miracles….like fools!
Deuteronomy 28 (blessings for obedience; curses for disobedience)
The devil’s job is to wear you out.
We don’t make it by our works, but by life in Christ! (Ephesians 2:9)
Be willing to give up other things
Refuse nonsense
Don’t argue the Word, LIVE it!
Look to God
Remain the same
(Romans 7:15-20) Just do it!
We always think we have time, but God can take your spirit at any time! In the midst of your sin!
Recognize the devil’s tricks.  Don’t play the twisted games.  Don’t allow him to laugh at you!
Humble yourself, be quiet, and follow!
Let your light shine (don’t always have to preach or be dogmatic)
Win souls through wisdom (your testimony, love, and kindness) Proverbs 11:30
Isaiah 1:19 and Job 36:11 OBEY!
You can’t be disobedient all your life!
Love yourself enough to obey so that you can be blessed!
Don’t have pride (it sneaks up quickly)
Get in your Word, study and pray so that God can show you before it happens (Discernment)
We need to take the land (like Joshua and Caleb)
Accomplishments are often made with a few people (more focused, less confusion)
We should want God’s power more than we want people
Stay in God and be obedient!!
Just like the oyster needs an irritant to form a pearl, we need someone to push us to get before God.  Don’t shut down the irritation if you want to get closer to God.  Appreciate the haters who force you to stay on your face before God!
We will never see our blessings if we keep doing what the devil wants us to do.
Even if you don’t see it, God is doing something in your favor!Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

Notes 12/4/2016 – “Endangered Species” (part 1)

Romans 12:1-2
The more you look at the Word, it looks like there are no real Christians – Endangered Species
Many are not applying the Word like the Word says (it is a lifestyle)
Yes, we make mistakes but what does your lifestyle say (what do you consistently do)
If you say one thing but do another, you are unstable!
BESEECH = begging, pleading to do right and to get closer to God
Romans 6:13
Our members/instruments are to be used for righteousness
Yield to God regardless of what you think.  Compare your thought to the Word.  Your mouth, brain, feet, hands, thought, everything must line up!
Keep your mind in Christ!  When it goes off to the left, QUICKLY BRING IT BACK!!!
The battle belongs to God.  Stop trying to fight it.  You still haven’t won yet because you aren’t God!  Let God fight and WIN for you!
Try your best to do right and treat people right.  Do the opposite of what “they” do.  Bring your body into subjection. Pray for your enemies (Matthew 5:44)
HOLY = set apart (don’t do what everyone else does.  Can’t hang with everyone)
You say you aren’t being convicted, but you are in the right position to hear Him when He speaks!
Sometimes you have to stretch yourself.  Step out and trust God.
Great people hang with great people!  Get with someone who can take you somewhere and that you can learn from.
DO NOT BE CONFORMED – if you are really trying, they won’t want to hang with you anymore.
Stop finding yourself doing what non-Christians do (be a game changer)
RENEW YOUR MIND – to be a different person, renew your mind with the Word of God.  Read, meditate and regurgitate.  Bring it back up.  Think about it.  Check yourself.
Study to show thyself approved (2 Timothy 2:15)
See yourself in the Word.  Start erasing some of the old lines and replacing them with new lines to make you look like Christ!
Know the strategies of the devil.  PAY ATTENTION!  He will bring distractions to snatch the Word.  Be Watchful
PROVE – proof so that people can see.  Notice that it works.
ACCEPTABLE – God looks at your heart.  Is it acceptable?
Spiritual transformation starts in your mind and heart.  It’s not about what people see but your heart being right
Help me that my heart is right and acceptable unto you. Faith is what moves the hand of God
A mind dedicated to the world will produce a life of back and forth. A mind dedicated to God’s truth can stand the tests of time
DEDICATED – no matter what happens you are in there and sticking it out.
We step out on God and forget about our commitment and dedication, but he still accepts us back and forgives us
Get away from what you were caught up in and TURN!!! We can resist temptation!! We have control of our members. Use the same hands to put it down and pour it out.   Self-control
I WILL RESIST TEMPTATION WHEN IT COMES because I know it is coming!
Keep your mind on God and let the Holy Ghost guide you.  Will you obey?
I John 2:15-17 – Can’t grow or get an understanding in pride
Let God’s Word enter your heart and mind to shape thoughts and behaviors.
When Christ is in you, you are supposed to change!
Don’t hang with pigeons (carry diseases).  Be like the Eagle!!
Eagles fly at high altitudes and only with other eagles (not with dirty birds)
Why hang with people who can’t get off the ground?  Who can’t help you get to your destiny?
Eagles fly high and don’t eat dead stuff (vultures do).  Are you an Eagle or a Vulture?
When an eagle eats a contaminated fish, it gets contaminated and then has an egg that is toxic.  The eagle dies and the egg is weak and fragile.  Same thing happens to us spiritually when we aren’t getting fed the Truth according to the Word.
People are dying spiritually because they only want surface-level gospel.
Spend time with the Lord.  Pray any chance you get (in the bathroom, kitchen, gym, etc.)
God’s people should never stay stuck.

Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn


Church Notes 12/25/2016
Speaker: Pastor Haynie
Isaiah 53:1-5; 9
Jesus didn’t come fancy or rich. He came lowly.  He chose to come in a way that you had to accept him as he was; for what he was bringing.
God’s word comes to pass no matter how many years later.
Isaiah knew he wouldn’t be received.  Are we receiving all of his word?
He rose above it and we should too because we have him.
He only died and suffered because of us.
If you want to live, you have to die.  There is only life in JesusNoted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

Church Notes 1/1/2017
Speaker: Elder Hutton
Get a perspective (where are you going?)
Acts 1:8
We are powerful in the eyes of God
We are unsure of ourselves
2 Peter 3:17-18
Grow in his grace.  We are predestined to grow
Romans 8:29
Grow in excellence because of him.
Can’t quit growing or you will be stuck (atrophy)
We get further from God and make more excuses
If you aren’t growing, maybe there is something you are holding on to
Take inventory of yourself – have you grown spiritually? Matured?
The more we grow, the more powerful/patient we are
Know that God will answer.  Wait on him
PG&E in 2017 – execute it.  Go after it
Don’t compromise calling to please people
Do it anyways, even if it’s difficult
Be more effective for the Body
I Corinthians 12:12-26 – Each part is needed.  Some that seem weak are the most necessary
God wants us to take care of each other – in harmony.
We must have reverence and respect – no always time for joking
Be more mindful/serious about God and his business
Your behavior reflects your leaders
It’s changing time!!
Step up in your responsibility – mature in excellence.  Handle responsibility
Stretch spiritually (I Corinthians 12:27).  Make things happen.  Choose to make it happen
In order to grow we have to come together on one accord
Make a difference in LWDM.  Be part of the team
What’s in you will come out
Are you entrusted with doing something in God’s House?
How can you promote/elevate if you don’t handle responsibilities
There is always room for growth and improvement – switch your mouth up!
Have standards! Keep your circle small.  Look to elevate.
Have intellect.  Be ready.  Stretch yourself
People are looking for professionals – how do you talk to people?
Embrace growth
Communicate so conflict is minimized
Be considerate of others.  Everyone’s time is valuable.
Don’t allow resentment to stir up
What will it take to obtain PG&E
There is a remnant!
Colossians 3:17 – Do it unto the Lord
Take initiative.  Pitch in, jump in and help out
We are powerful when on one accord
Be effective in the kingdom of God
No one is perfect but we walk in a perfect way
Strive for perfection
Interest and love of people is what makes a church
Strive for excellence.  It is all about God
Elevate your interest, cares and concern for church, in love. This is our commissionNoted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

Notes 1/8/17


We are on the sane team so we should be rooting for each other!
Why is there so much competition in the church?  We can’t make anything happen if we are all against each other
If you make a touchdown, I make a touchdown because we are on the same team!  We should be encouraging each other to keep on.
We have to put/keep our equipment on, especially the helmet.  The helmet covers/protects out lifespan and our decisions.
The mind is where the devil has access if we allow him to.  He throws thoughts at us but we control what we do with the thoughts.  Keep the helmet of salvation on always because the devil is always throwing stuff.
How you think controls the outcome.  It’s what you do.
You can get your mind right!!!
Romans 12:1-2
The only way to renew your mind is with the Word of God
Don’t let the devil talk to you – say something to him
What/How you think causes your reaction
When you look at someone’s life, you can tell where their thoughts are
The power God puts in you will allow you to grow (in the word – the seed is planted, but needs water to grow).  Keep coming to church to hear the Word.  There is a work you have to do for Power, Growth and Excellence (PG&E) – pray, fast, live right
Christianity is not magic, it’s WORK
Holy doesn’t mean perfect, but separated to be like Christ.  No one has arrived yet.  We all have work to do on ourselves
People want you to fit in to control you.
Christ is in me, the hope of Glory so I’m going to do what He tells me to do!
If God is everything, why do we seek people for the answer?
People hit you where you are weak.  The devil gets people close to you to get you in that area.  They want to get you to limp or fall so that they can catch you just like a lion with his prey.
God can help you get to the root of the weak area.  Seek God first!!! Ask Him to show you and your weaknesses.  Don’t suppress it when it comes up.  Recognize it so you can fix it.
Know them that labor among you (I Thessalonians 5:12).  Don’t just accept what people say.  See and know their character.  Know the source of where/who it is coming from.
God speaks correction because he loves you so much (Hebrews 12:6)
God wants us to be strong enough to be bold and stand up against them!
While men sleep (in the church) the enemy sowed (Matthew 13:25). Wake up! Pay attention!
The devil will come in when it is quiet to condemn you.  There is no condemnation in God (Romans 8:1)
If it isn’t uplifting/encouraging, it is not from God.
The devil’s job is to get in your head.  He doesn’t want you to see.  He wants you to be left out.
Watch your thoughts.  The mind can be the devil’s playground (Proverbs 16:27-29)
The devil sees how you react to the thoughts
Whatever a man thinks, so is he (Proverbs 23:7)
As soon as you start changing the devils throws bait to get you to change your mind.
We don’t know who we are so we allow the devil to steal what God gave us.  He wants you to only remember the “good times”
Thoughts that are unhealthy, ungodly and uncontrolled will eventually ruin your life.
The devil’s job is to get you deeper into it (until you get caught then you want God to help you get out of it)
Thoughts determine your decisions.
Change your thought pattern.  Have a clean thought life
Thoughts control our mood, lifestyle, self-image, emotions.  Thoughts are powerful and can control everything good or bad.
The devil will keep it going so you stay mad.  It takes more energy to be mad.  It keeps your body in a traumatic state
The devil tries his best to deceive Christians in every area of life through their thought life.  Causes churches to turn against each other when we all should be for Jesus.
What do you do with the thoughts he throws at you? How do you react?  We will all have to give an account
The devil takes too many Christians captive in their thoughts.  Pastors are being deceived and turning away from God.  It makes people unstable.
We take off our armor and expect good things to still happen. God said put the armor on so that the deception doesn’t creep in and the thoughts the devil throws won’t penetrate the helmet.
If it seems like nothing happens when you pray, examine yourself.
Be persistent (in the things of God)
We don’t give our all.   We get lazy but expect God not to
Take inventory of yourself
Deception causes laziness and blindness that we don’t even realize
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5)

Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn


Notes 1/15/17


Renew your mind with the Word (Romans 12:1-2)
Your thoughts can lead you to destruction or places you don’t want to go.
Thoughts combined with emotions can be bad news
Your actions show where your thoughts are.
This is a training ground so when things come you know how to respond
In basketball, you do what you have to do to keep the other team from scoring (block, defend, bump if you have to).  The devil isn’t on your tram so why do we let him make baskets on our side?  Why don’t we block him? Whose team are you on? GET DETERMINED!
Block the thought as soon as it comes.  Don’t let them get down in you and change your character.
You can’t rest because the thoughts are bombarding you.
Get rid of them right away.  If we don’t, they build up and then cause us to be unstable.
Do preventative maintenance!!  Check your oil!  Check your life! Keep up on it regularly.
Do it the first time so you can think clear and not become overwhelmed.  If you let them build up, you have to work that much harder to get them out.
Don’t let them get cluttered.  When we do, it causes us to forget God’s goodness and want to give up on God.
You took your armor off so not you are being bombarded and can’t even pray or think of scriptures.  You just think about your sorrow.
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5)
There is no condemnation in God (Romans 8:1).  That’s the devil.
God’s love is amazing! Some don’t even know real love.  The devil doesn’t want us to know what real love is.  He doesn’t want us to recognize the greatness in us
Doesn’t matter if you messed up.  Get back in line.  Get back stable.
When you see the attack coming, don’t let your guard down.
Deception makes people think sin is ok (it is not ok to say just sin less). Jesus died and rose for sins so we can have ACCESS
The devil makes us feel defeated.
Compare yourself to scripture, not other people.
We allow our minds to take our emotions/attitude and they overtake us.
Deception creeps in the church.
Don’t compromise!! Likes or not, the Truth stands!
Romans 12:1-2
Churches don’t even talk about holiness or hell anymore but we need it to put fear in us. (holy means to be separate/peculiar.  I’m trying to be different)
That you may prove what the perfect will of God is.  You have to study in order to show thyself approved – So that your life can show people what is approved/acceptable.
We get blinded minds and don’t even realize we are living in sin and not just the “typical” sins we think of.  It is more than that.
When our mind is blinded we lose concept of sin and we lower our standards.  God is above standard
You are new now so you can’t go back to the old.  You’re new NOW.  Don’t go back to your vomit. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Holiness is not religion.  Don’t do what you used to do.  No one is perfect but we ask for forgiveness and keep moving.
We forget that we were bought with a price.
You aren’t being led by God or obeying but you call yourself a Christian. Disobedience is sin
Treat people with love no matter what they do to you.  You have to stand before God!
Our job is to block the thoughts, not respond to them.
When you have a hardened heart you no longer make good judgments.  You are moved by your feelings and your thoughts displease God.
Why be moved by what people say.  What does God say. Philippians 4:8
Do everything in your power to keep from becoming worldly.
Don’t be lazy (Proverbs 19:15; Ecclesiastes 10:18; Proverbs 13:4
Church won’ fix you. Your mind must be in Christ.  Meditate on the Word.
What you do with the thoughts determines how it grows.
Watch your thoughts!

Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

Notes 1/21/17


Romans 12:1-2; John 10:7-10
Don’t be around negative people or things.  It gets into your heart and you find yourself doing what’s against God
Philippians 4:8 tells us how our thought should be
The devil doesn’t want us to please God
Look at what God is saying not people.  Believe God!
The devil wants to steal, kill and destroy everything God gave you.
Know who you are and don’t believe the lies from the devil.
Pay attention to the tricks of the devil.  He wants to wear you out.  Stand up!  Don’t listen to him.  He is a liar!
Stay focused
You should be the same no matter where you are.
The devil is so determined to stop God’s plan.  But you are new NOW so close your mind to him.  Don’t let him keep tricking you.
Be watchful!
The devil uses the same thing for everyone – deception.  It’s a LIE!  He wants us to drop our weapons, to desire wrong and think wrong.
The Holy Ghost gives us discernment so we can really see.
Praying can do more than anything physical
God won’t give you more when you can’t take care of what you have now.
Use the weapons that God already gave you.  They aren’t good if you don’t utilize them!
Why put on a front for people? God knows you in your quiet time.
Would you rather have a temporary praise from people or an everlasting reward from satisfying God?
We don’t know what can happen when we die. Don’t play with God. Ask yourself if you are really doing what you are called to do. Are you living for God for real?
The Blood covers what we don’t know but what we do know and don’t do – that’s bad
Happiness/Joy comes from the Lord (not material things)
You are somebody because of Christ.
It’s ok to have things, just don’t let them have you. You gotta have Jesus, that’s it!
If you want him to do it, get in your rightful place.  Get in position – if you want blessings.  You can’t play with the devil and expect God’s blessings.
The devil knows you have the authority to cast him out and pull down every one of his strongholds.
Deceptions keeps you from knowing it so you can’t get him out of the way. The deception has distracted you.
Greater is He that is in you (I John 4:4) You have AUTHORITY!
Show it by living the Word.  Stop allowing little things to run you.
Cast the thoughts down (2 Corinthians 10:5)
Watch your thoughts!
Don’t let them settle.  Quickly do whatever it takes to block it (do the matrix if you have to).
The devil wants to keep you from being effective.
Though the anointing we can destroy all the devil has and is.
We slip but we have to quickly ask for forgives and continue to work on it.
We need more than a church experience, but a relationship with God!
Joel 3:9 – Wake UP! Pay attention!
Don’t let the thoughts fester and get into your heart.
Watch your thoughts.  Wake up!
You don’t have to accept what the devil throws.  Send it back.  Stamp it RTS (Return to Sender)

Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

Notes 1/29/17


The devil’s job is to keep you unstable so you miss all that God has for you!
Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 6:10-18
You can’t make it without the WHOLE armor of God.  It is a spiritual fight not a physical one.
Shun the very appearance of evil (I Thessalonians 5:22) – run away from it, not into it.
Our thoughts cause our disobedience
Why do we think on thought that aren’t good?
Who hindered you (Galatians 5:7) Who fooled you? Galatians 3:1
The problem in the body of Christ is the disobeying of the Truth (which is Christ) – there is no happiness or peace without Jesus!  Jesus is ALL we need
The devil always shows us what the world has because he wants us to go back.
Christians don’t fall into sin because they don’t know the Truth.  It is because they abandon/denied the Truth.
Don’t just hear the word, receive it.  Live the best you know how.  You don’t know what’s going on inside of you but the one thing you do know is that you’re saved! Don’t play with God!
The Holy Ghost does His job but we don’t obey and then we expect God to do His job.
We are supposed to be living epistles – read of all men (2 Corinthians 3:1-3).  There will be no excuses.  We can’t justify sin.
When believers abandon the Truth, they open themselves up for deception.
Going to church doesn’t make you saved.  Your lifestyle is separate.
Go through the test so that you can learn how to handle things and learn to call on Jesus.  Jesus wants to hear your voice.
I Peter 5:8 – The devil wants to devour you to keep you from going forward.  He wants to kill your testimony (the test of your life)
Pay attention.  Be aware.
Fight the good fight of faith (I Timothy 6:12).  This spiritual fight is ongoing (fighting against the flesh)
Don’t take forgiveness lightly.
People are watching your testimony.  You falling can hinder them
Psalm 139:23 – search us and make sure our thoughts are right.
Guard your eyes and ears (Proverbs 4:20-27)
Your most dominant thoughts will materialize.
Thoughts are seeds. Bad thoughts – bad things.  Good thoughts – good things
Genesis 1:26-29 – Dominion (authority), seeds (thoughts)
Seed time and harvest (Genesis 8:22) you reap what you sow.  Sow good seeds
Love yourself enough to speak good over and into your life.
God has given us authority to determine our own destiny.  It should start with you first.  Help yourself and then help others
It’s not about what other people sow but about what you sow and water.  Don’t water the bad seeds other people try to sow into you.
Galatians 6:7 – what seeds are you sowing in your life.
We have the authority to choose.  What you sow is what will come out of your life.
Some seeds have been so deeply rooted that we don’t know how to get them out.  Fast, pray and work it out!
When you are mature, you don’t even let it get to you.
Know your weakness(es) and work on it/them
Be in your word to renew your mind.
Let your mind be in Christ (Philippians 2:5).  Thoughts like His.
Make the devil work for it.  Stop making it easy for him to fool you.

Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

 Notes 2/5/17


Although Dunamis (power) is the root word of dynamite it is not the same power.  Dynamite is a release of energy that explodes when it is lit.  Dynamite isn’t dangerous until it is lit!
The Word doesn’t work if you don’t light it.  Pick it up and read it.  Light the fire!
Don’t just talk it, LIVE it!
You won’t see the power if you don’t light it!
You don’t go grocery shopping, put the groceries away and not eat the food when you’re starving.
Even though you go to church, you are starving because you aren’t partaking of the Word.  You are still living the same way.
What’s the point of coming if you don’t use the Word that is given?
How do you change if you keep doing the same things?
You do the same things and then ask God to help you when you get into trouble.  He has already sent your help but you refuse
Change comes when Jesus is the HEAD of your life!
You want your life to be different, you NEED Jesus!
When you have Jesus, your spirit is anew.  Put flesh down.  Don’t do what you used to do.
We often go by the way we were raised but that isn’t always the right way.  We have to renew our minds with the Word (Romans 12:1-2)
Allow God to change the way you think. Don’t allow your background to keep you in bondage (stuck)
(Proverbs 4:23) – Guard your heart.
The devil tries to gain access to our hearts though our 5 senses.  Our heart is where our spiritual power resides.
Satan knows how to appeal to your senses.  He knows your weakest points.  He wants to bring you back to where you used to be.
The devil knows you are destined for greatness so he wants to stop you!
Pay attention to how the devil works with you.  Hold up the standard!  Read the Word, pray, seek God.
When you don’t maintain the standard and start to get to comfortable with sin you slowly start changing for the worst but you still you’re good.  People with discernment see the truth.
Philippians 4 tells us how we should think
Matthew 12:35
God created us as Spirits – we are made to produce (saved or unsaved).  What the spirit is fed, is what it will produce.  If you have a life of havoc or unhappiness, you created it.
Watch what you speak.  It shows how you think.  You create the atmosphere
God gave us dominion and authority so why don’t we use it.
Faith without works is dead.  You have to put a little work in.
When God sends it, be in the right place to receive it.  Get on the bus and ride to Glory.  Don’t miss the bus being a looky loo.  God placed it there for you, don’t miss it!
No more church as usual.  Experience the Encounter!
Don’t go back to what is familiar.  Don’t be so stuck in the old that you can’t receive the new.  No new wine in old skins (Mark 2:22).  If you try, it will seep out.  That’s why you can’t retain the Word because you have to be transformed first.
We must grow!
Don’t allow your senses to distract you.  If you look at something long enough it gets into your heart and changes your actions.
When things come, you have the power to say no and shut it down.
Don’t allow the devil to gain entrance into your heart (through your eyes, ears, and mouth)
We have to go through the narrow gate (Matthew 7:14), which means we have to get rid of some stuff.

Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

LWDM Church Notes 2/12/17
Belief System (B.S.)
Daniel 10:7-12; Galatians 1:11-12; Ephesians 1:15-23
If you don’t have a belief system in God, you’re all messed up.
When you don’t listen to wise counsel it causes your belief system to be off
Wisdom, revelation, knowledge
God wants our spiritual eyes to be open – to receive
You can’t do better if you can’t see God is trying to help you! Seek for it
He wants to anoint us (to keep us).  The anointing is not taught, it’s caught.  When the anointing is flowing, GRAB IT!
The people you hang with show who you are with (good or bad)
Everyone is so holy but not demonstrators of the power of God.
Get up higher. Believe in miracles, signs and wonders – it happens when we get desperate/want it/expect it.  God can do it
Get close enough to see! God can make the old new – eyes enlightened to see Him.
He wants us to know Him to grow.  Change your thinking.
Knowledge (Ephesians 1:17) – precise & correct knowledge of who God is.
Churches have forgotten because God isn’t truly moving.  Shout but no life change.
Without knowledge of Christ, can’t administer the Kingdom.  How can you do it, if you don’t know (have a personal relationship).  Can’t just have a “church” God
He wants our spiritual eyes open to reveal purpose, calling, destiny and to increase our confidence in Him (know that He is able to do it)
Go to God to know your purpose so you can get to where you’re supposed to go and not give the devil a second look.  When you’re truly in God, you don’t look back.
John 5:19 God will show you your quality
Surround yourself with people full of Faith.  Hang with people who talk about the supernatural.
You don’t know the door is wide open because you are spiritually blind
This whole world is the devil’s so it’s easy to go back

Get up and stir yourself up! Get your mind focused! Go Hard!!!
Angels are unemployed because we haven’t used/dispatched them.
Psalm 103:20 – angels waiting to hear our voices speak God’s word
Demons operate in the natural but angels operate in the supernatural.  You are subject to demonic attacks because you operate in the natural – walk in the spiritual
Angels haven’t been redeemed.  We have.
We often bypass things/people and we fail to realize it’s God – will we have love, compassion, kindness, etc.
He sends the angels to protect (just like Stephen)
We want him to come now but did you obey??
Daniel – the angel came in to fight the Prince of Persia, shut the lions mouth
Acts 12 – Peter in prison – the angel appeared in the jail.  God shut the eyes of the guards.
Some angels look like us.
When God sends his angels they are already equipped to do – God’s word won’t return void (Isaiah 55:11).
God can cover you even when the devil thinks he has you. The devil is blinded too.
When God gives the authority you can just walk out (God already has a plan – everything obeys)
When you’re praying are you really believing? Don’t be shocked, just praise!
Get in a place where we know God is moving
Malachi 3:16-18
Use the Word when you pray.
Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn

Notes 3/5/17
Belief System (B.S.) Part 3
What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven (Matthew 18:18).  Knowing Christ is alive and in us should give us joy.  Joy from Christ is eternal.
If you don’t read the word and put it in action, it is just a book!
Christians don’t have to prove anything; your life shows it (be like Jesus) Jesus conquered death! He went down to Hades and took back the keys! What you’re going through is temporary, but you will rise again just like Jesus.
No words can describe who God is, but the words we have we need to use! If you want to see change in your life do what the Bible says; Try God! (Luke 6:38)
God is opposite of the world, you must believe in his works before you see them. Our thoughts and ways are not the same as his (Isaiah 55:8-9)
God tells us to give our all unto him (I Peter 5:7) (Ex): Money can be a stronghold.  If you hold all you have with a closed fist, you can never be open it to receive.  Do not give expecting reward, give from the heart. Believe the supply is never-ending; God supplies all of our needs. Go to His word (Bible) to get an understanding (Proverbs 4:7)
Doubt and other people can shut your B.S. down.  Faith without works is dead (James 2:14-26) – read the word, have faith, and apply it. Where you are in life determines your perception (B.S. changes your perception).
The anointing comes to destroy yokes.  The anointing is in/on you because of God. Being anointed is not about outward appearance (David for example).  Samuel wanted to anoint others but the oil wouldn’t pour because the oil was obeying God. God is in control over everything; we’re  the only ones that don’t obey (the oil does, the animals do). God is the creator of all things.
I Samuel 17:33-36 Things/situations are not bigger than God (the devil illuminates it, but they are small. Little foxes spoil the vine – Song of Solomon 2:15) David’s perspective was not about the Philistine but that God was before him! The Angels are behind you.  When problems come, see them like David. It’s nothing – Trust God will make a way. Our problem is we do not believe God is God!! We need the spirit of wisdom – Tushiya – efficient wisdom – anointing – powerful. Don’t use what you haven’t tested. It isn’t proven. JESUS is powerful by itself. Demons tremble at the name of Jesus (James 2:19) – in your mind you don’t believe it.  Get closer to God.  Everything must bow at the name of Jesus (Philippians 2:10) Be consistent/persistent.
I Samuel 17:45-52
David SPOKE and BELIEVED! Call those things which be not as though they were (Romans 4:17).  Angels are commanded when you speak the word of God and his word will not return to him void.  Speak with boldness (because you KNOW). Stay prepared for battle; fully dressed with the armor of God to stand up against the devil. Speak out! God says ask him – not beg him. Be specific when telling him what you want according to his will. It’s not your power but God’s (dumamis) light the dynamite and it ignites. Get in line with God.  Speak things and they happen so unbelievers will see there is a God. Christianity/belief is about your lifestyle stay persistent. Stay humble when people mistreat you –  God fights for you.  Believe God is fighting for you and still do your part. Don’t limit God, OBEY!  You never know what He is doing; He wants to push you. Trust God – things come up for a reason – some are a test.  Everything He does is good, even if you can’t see it. Maturity is in God, focus on him and allow him to enlighten the eyes of your heart!
Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn
Church Notes 3/19/17
Luke 4:1-13
When you’re full of the spirit you will be led by the spirit
Jesus was tempted 40 days.  When tempted what do you choose?
When your spirit is weak, your flesh will say yes to anything.
Eat the Word like we eat good.  Snack on it!
The Word will build you up to keep you. There are no excuses for giving in.
When your spirit man is strong, you won’t even see the temptation
If Jesus did it, we can do it!
Living the Word you know is more important than knowing/quoting it all
Know the Word so you can stand.
Submit to God, resist the devil and He will FLEE (James 4:7), but know that he will come back at another time (Luke 4:13)
Irritation/depression/etc. should bring us closer to God
Stay full of the Spirit so you can be led
Noted by Sister Letrice Littlejohn
LWDM Church Notes 4/9/17
Behind the Scenes  (Part 2 recap)
The devil wants to keep you from experiencing the fullness of God.
John 12:1-8
When you’re satisfied you don’t go looking.  Know who God really is.  Oh taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8)
Someone always has something to say. Some appreciate and some only take.  Takers aren’t of God (God was a giver)
The devil is very crafty.  He brings distractions in to get you to doubt God and to not follow God.
Are you listening or are you hearing?  When you listen it really sinks in.
Listening to the devil causes you to look at what God said differently.
3 tools the devil uses: Slander, Gossip and Offense
The first Transgression was slander (damaging statement of character) in the Garden with Adam & Eve.  The devil comes to break faith.  Why do we listen to him if we know he is a liar?
When you really believe God, your actions show it.
The demonic trio (Ezekiel 28) is the devil’s way of mimicking God and the Holy Trinity.  It is a virus that can get inside of you and kill you.  You don’t even know how it is spreading (like meningitis)
Narrow is the way (Matthew 7:14).  Don’t follow the crowd. Stick to what God said like Caleb (Numbers 14:24).
Be watchful.  Pay attention.
Christians have gotten weak and compromise.
The devil comes to break up the church, the kingdom.
We are to spread the Gospel and be like Jesus (meek, loving, etc.)
God does everything good (1 Timothy 4:4).  Even our mistakes.  He turned it around for our good (for those that believe – Romans 8:28)
It’s not what you have or don’t have but what you are doing with what God already gave you.
Slander is a form of witchcraft.  Pharmakeia – alters state of mind.  Consciousness.  A drug that puts a spell on you.  Poisons with words.  This is why Christians can’t just say anything.
What we hear affects us and effects what we see and feel.
James 4:7 – submit to God.  When you are 100% yielded/submitted to God, there is no way to do wrong.  No choice of thinking wrong.  You can resist the devil.
99 and a half won’t do!!
noted by: Letrice Russell
LWDM Church Notes 4/23/17
Behind the Scenes (Part 3)
When you find out what’s going on it pushes you to keep going. Don’t stop change is on the way.
Be consistent (with going forward)!  The devil wants to keep the stronghold on you so that you stay stuck.
Stuff and things don’t just happen…. pay attention! God doesn’t want us to be ignorant.
Your action shows the devil that you aren’t listening to the thoughts he throws.  The battle is in the mind.  The mind is the playground.  Be watchful!
Psalm 91:1-3, 13
The devil wants to capture the territory of your mind – to get you in a chokehold.
If you stay under the covering of God, there is nothing that can harm you.  When you come out of the covering, the devil has the right.  If you listen to the devil, you are subject to him (the liar). Why believe the lie? The liar?
When the lie comes, recognize where it is coming from.  Know the Word so you can decipher Truth.  Know JESUS!  Denying the truth is denying Jesus.  Believe it or not, the Truth remains (Psalm 100:5).
The young lion (Psalm 91:13) represents small sin that you think you can control.  The devil will bring a little to entice you.  But there is a big lion inside the young lion – it grows the more you feed it (by playing with sin).
The devil blinds you so you don’t see how deep in you really are.
If you don’t stick to the Word of God, you aren’t in God!
Let the devil know “I see you”
God knows that you know so you can’t act like you don’t know or see.
What you don’t kill (or put away), will kill you later.  We don’t realize the small things are a danger to our lives.
The devil tries to break your spirit and break you down to make you feel like you are not good enough.  Don’t compare yourself to others.  Comparison is of the devil.  He wants to take your identity.
Demons were assigned to you at birth to learn you so that the devil would know how to entice you.  You can’t entice people with things they don’t like (he learns what appeals to you by seeing what you fall for).
Don’t play with sin.  Sin leads to death.  The devil wants to entice you to pull you further away from God.
After he grips your mind, he takes your soul (mind, will and emotions) and paralyzes you.
Submit to God.  Get in the secret place and STAY THERE!
Be mindful/watchful of familiar spirits. Don’t open yourself up.  Be careful what you see (watch) and hear (listen to).  Satan has a Ph.D. in capturing your emotions.
Entertainers are to entertain you.  That’s their job.  Don’t be fooled.  Most aren’t happy.  They are trying to keep up and stay relevant.  The end is death.  Entertainment is only for a moment.  But JESUS has been shining and will shine all the time, even in his death.  Unlike others, Jesus left but isn’t gone.  He is still with us.
Serve the devil and you get a short moment, but serve God and you get forever!
Money isn’t a blessing when you are following the devil.  It’s a way for the devil to entice you.  Christians need to get in the Word and KNOW the voice of God.
Seek God and ALL His righteousness (Matthew 6:33)
The devil doesn’t change you for the better, God does! Things will start to fall off.
It’s not about knowing but doing what you know!
Do the work.  Do the Word!  You won’t change until you DO something.  Exercise it.  Put it into practice.  Make an effort.
We are God’s people and need to ACT like it.
Be Consistent!!
See Him and all things will be added!
God is Love.  Love on people to win them to Christ.Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 5/7/17
Built for Battle
It’s selfish not to go out of your way when Jesus gave himself for us.  We are made in his image and his likeness (Genesis 1:27).
When conviction comes and you get upset, it shows where you are.  Thank Him for loving you enough not to let you stay there.
When you leave your doors open (unprotected), the devil can come in and steal what is valuable.  When you subject yourself to things that aren’t good, the devil doesn’t even have to work.  You can’t get mad you don’t have what you used to (joy, peace, etc.).  You gave him access.  You can’t break free if you keep subjecting yourself to it.
God wants us to realize what we have is precious. The devil is only after what is precious, which is why he is after you.
The old (past) is not an excuse.  You are NEW now.  Step out of the old man and become the new man.
Don’t seek “likes.” As long as God is pleased, that’s enough.
If you’re on the right track, haters will push you to get before God.  Honestly they like it but they’re mad they can’t do it.
If you’re in your right place (with the gate locked), you are protected and the devil can’t steal what you have.  Don’t look at what you don’t have.  Rejoice because what you have is precious.
What’s precious to you isn’t to someone else.  Like a mother carrying a baby.  She protects it, eats right, etc. because it’s precious.  We should protect our salvation/the Holy Ghost the same way.  People protect what they really love and care about.
When you subject yourself to things that aren’t of God, you really don’t love the gift God gave you.
When you really have the Holy Ghost, not matter what you do or say, the Holy Ghost is there.
When you have to ask “is it ok if…” you know it isn’t.  When you have the Holy Ghost, you can’t do what you used to do.  Your life has to line up.  Be a doer of the Word.  Walk in it.
You are Built for Battle – to win/fight.  You can face the trouble.  Pray.  Be like David (vs. Goliath).  Don’t wimp out.  Don’t go back.  Don’t be tricked by the devil.  When the battle comes, you can withstand.
I Samuel 1:2-7 – Hannah was built for battle (Peninah was the devil tempting her).  God set it up.  Hannah was getting double portions.  Peninah was a hater because Hannah was loved more.
We don’t have to know why?  Out state of mind limits our understanding.  Pray always.  Give thanks in all things (I Thessalonians 5:16-18).  Our ways are not his ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).
Shock the devil by rejoicing when he sends trials.
Just go with it and keep moving forward in god even when you don’t understand.  Believe it’s for your good.  Have faith.  If you say God is good, you know he won’t harm you.  He wants to get you to where you stop tripping.
Why give up if I’m built for battle!
If you don’t believe, you won’t fight.
Matthew 6:19-21 – we don’t look at our treasure as we should.  Jesus is more precious than anything – don’t idolize things.  Money can’t give you what God can.
People come to God when they are desperate.  People can’t cancel what God already spoke!  If God spoke it, it shall come to pass.
Don’t be so consumed with things of the devil.
If you haven’t done what God told you to do, you don’t have a right to make demands of God. (God knows and remembers)
Most oysters produce pearls because of the irritant and being covered with the nacre (Holy Ghost).  Pray for those that irritate you.  The devil’s job is to keep you from producing the God-like pearl (and keep you like everyone else – clam, muscle).  God created you to produce but you need the irritator to get you stirred up and push you close to God.
You can’t take everything with you.  You have to drop some things to get into the narrow gate (Matthew 7:14)Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 5/21/17 – Pastor Haynie
Wise and Foolish Builder
Matthew 7:23-28
Building your spiritual house is like the story of the 3 Little Pigs.
Build your house (the House of God) on the sayings of God, not man.  If you build on anything other than the Word of God, it will fall.  Heaven and earth shall pass away but the word of God shall not (Matthew 24:35)
When things come up and beat upon the house, you need more than you to be able to stand.  You need to trust God.  Your know-how won’t work. You need the Holy Ghost
In everything give thanks.  It’s day-by-day.  Doesn’t happen overnight, but continually, every day.
We are peculiar people.
Don’t leave the door or window open
Have a sure foundation.  It’s not about the house but about the foundation. Jesus is our foundation (The Rock).
We are to be living epistles read of all men (2 Corinthians 3:2).  What do people get when they read you?  People do better seeing than hearing.  If you have Jesus, people will see Jesus.  If we belong to Jesus, we should do what he would do.
He is a strong tower.  The righteous run in and are safe (Proverbs 18:10)
Remember, when Jesus is on the inside the evidence speaks for itself.  Don’t talk it if you’re not walking it.  Don’t just make an “appearance.”  Jesus saved us so we must live it.  Stay in the Word.  Deny yourself.
Precious price was paid for our salvation.  Don’t let others mess it up.  He prepared a place for us.  He already told us who will make it in.
Take heed lest you fall (I Corinthians 10:12)
Be careful where you put your feet.  It’s a close walk but it’s worth it
God’s Word is true and everlasting.
Build your house on Jesus!Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 6/4/17
Matthew 25:14-30
God gave us a gift (eternal life) when we got saved.  The devil wants us to get side tracked and distracted.
Think of your salvation as a can of soda in the fridge.  The more you open the door (to the devil) and put more stuff in, the further it gets pushed to the back.  People can’t even see it anymore (because we want to fit in and block God out).
It doesn’t matter how it sounds, God sees and hears the heart.  Don’t get caught up in what people say.
Multiply your gift(s).  Don’t sit on it, USE it for God.
So many have lost their way.  Don’t put Jesus on the backburner until we “need” him.  Do what you are called to do and increase.
Spread the Gospel.  Don’t keep it to yourself.  Don’t be selfish.
Entering the joy of the Lord is the result of faithfulness.
Salvation is precious. Be stuck on God.  Be different.  Have faith.  Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).
True love for God causes you to be mindful, so you don’t go against His word.  You won’t go against God no matter what!  Do you still love him when things are gone?  He still reaches out when we fall intentionally.
Complaining hinders us. If He did it before, He will do it again.
Your heart has to be sincere.  We don’t want to bless him because we don’t think he hears us or honors our request, but He is there no matter what we go through.
All I need is the name of Jesus!!Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 6/11/17
Get Ready for Greatness
You have to believe and receive in order to get it.
Greatness is not about how you look.  You will look the same but be walking in greatness (in your natural life)
When you make a mistake, don’t just stay down in that mistake.  Get up and ask forgiveness.  “Play it off.”  Don’t give the devil more ammo by staying down longer. Learn how to tread water and stay afloat.  Call on Jesus.  Call out for help.  Pray.
Greatness comes with obedience
Judges 6:1-6; 7:1-7
The devil is beneath you but when you are sowing and doing right, he will try to come up to destroy what you sowed.  When he comes up, you don’t stop.  Get deeper and stronger.  Fight harder.
When pray for God to help but when He sends someone we don’t want to hear it.
God has to show you who is really with you.  That’s why people & friends leave.  You got to let them go! Some people are a hindrance not a help!
You can’t be in greatness until you let some things go.  Stop hoarding people to push you.  They have been with you all these years and haven’t pushed you yet.  God puts people in your life to help you. If God says let them go, LET GO!! You won’t get to destiny if you won’t let them go!
God wants you to see Him, not people.
Some people like to be around when you are down, but they don’t want you to come up. Everyone that says they have your back doesn’t.  It’s a good thing if they aren’t with you anymore.
Get connected with people that help you grow!
You find out where people stand when you begin to come up out the low place (like the bucket of crabs).  We can all go up together! Don’t worry about what “they say” that’s the enemy.
When God speaks, that’s all you need! But we miss it because we don’t move when He says.  We wait for confirmation when He says now.  You can’t say it doesn’t work if you don’t do exactly what it says.  You can’t take out the eggs and think you will get a cake.  Follow what God says exactly.
It has to come to pass. His word won’t return void (Isaiah 55:11).  No matter how long it takes.  It depends on where you are (do you know how to sow, help others, pray, obey, etc.).  It’s more to it than praying.  There are things you have to do!  The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1).  Everything we need is already here.  Research, save, do something.
Don’t base it on how someone looks.  God knows the heart of people.  Trust God.  God will separate them.  You want the ones that are ready and standing watching (not the ones with their head down).  Walk in God, walk by faith.  He will set things up.
Just like Moses, God will have people lift your arms up when you get tired (Exodus 17:11-12)
You have to recognize who is really for you.  Who is in your circle?  Will they push you to greatness and make you act right?  You don’t just want people around that will agree with you but tell you the truth.
We are called to take dominion.  We are above.  We are the head (Deuteronomy 28:13).
When people lie on you and you defend the lie, it’s probably because it’s true.  Don’t believe what people say or else you are just like them.
Walk with your head up if you know who Jesus is.  Know who you are.  Get ready for greatness!
Get rid of what’s weighing you down.  Don’t hang out with it or you will be subject to it.
Doesn’t matter what people say, stay in God.  Give up control to God.Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 6/25/17
Believing What You Say
Mark 11:12-24
If we believe what we say effects our lives, why do we say bad things?
Watch what you say!
What we speak comes to pass.  Can’t wonder why if you spoke it.
God dispatches his angels to do what you speak…to accomplish his word
We use power/dominion/authority wrong.  We use it to hurt, which is not how Jesus used it.  If He did, we can do it.
You say you’re a Christian but where is your fruit?
Shouldn’t have a problem with people being in your circle.  Iron sharpens iron.  Be transparent
Live the scriptures you know (even if it’s only three)
Be sharp in the spirit.  Stay in the spirit so you can have discernment.
Get to a place of knowing everything is spiritual.
Spirits transfer so be careful of who you allow to touch you
The fig tree looked normal from far away but had no fruit up close. Jesus spoke to the fig and killed it at the root.  When He spoke, the root obeyed.  His words meant something.
When you speak, it might not be evident immediately, but the roots will begin to obey.  However, any doubt you have will kill it at the root (unbelief)
Pray and believe,
The devil’s job is to cast doubt.
Your seed is planted when you pray, but if you don’t believe, you kill it before it can take root.  The devil tricks you into believing God isn’t doing anything.  He tries to cause deception to get you entangled so you stay stuck.
Our emotions cause us to fall for the deception.  Your spirit must be led by the Holy Spirit
Only care what God thinks!
When you want it bad enough, you stop being lazy! Chase after it.
Some people rush things.  Wait for your time!  Don’t try to go before God.  You won’t have the fruit if you rush.
Jesus flipped the tables because they weren’t doing right.  We can’t get mad when people correct us.
The devil doesn’t want you to get good teaching because he knows you will be able to defeat him.
Water your seeds with the word.
It’s your duty to stop/put it down.  Do your part.  Remove yourself.  God just isn’t going to “poof” and do it.  Choose God or them
Keep talking about Jesus and they will move from you
Bye bye world.  Hello Heaven
Jesus believed in his heart and spoke with authority,
We disconnect ourselves and don’t even know that we are dying spiritually
Have faith in God
Must of the time we are the mountain that needs to be moved
Faith comes by hearing so you have to speak it out loud.Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 7/9/17
Renewing Your Mind – What Are You Speaking
Romans 12:1-2
Spiritual transformation starts in the mind.
Present your body as a living sacrifice.  That’s what reasonable.  That’s what you are supposed to do.
It’s easy to conform to the world because we live in it, but we are to be transformed because we renew our minds.
You can’t be new but doing the same old things.  You can’t put new wine in old skins; it will seep out (Mark 2:22)
You can only renew your mind by the Word of God.
Your life will only change with Christ in it.  If things aren’t dropping off, you aren’t close enough to God.  Get CLOSER.  You can’t be in His presence with mess.
Some people are always negative and complaining about something, but when you have God, you see the good; the positive! Don’t let negativity become a habit.
Start speaking differently.  See things differently.  See with Christ’s eyes.
People don’t like when you always have joy because they are miserable.  Misery loves company.  Step out of misery and draw someone with your joy.
What you speak goes into the atmosphere and begins to create.  What you speak comes to pass (Mark 11:24).  Water the seed in the ground.  Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).  What are you speaking?
You must renew your mind to walk in the fullness of God. Head not the tail; above not beneath (Deuteronomy 28:13)
Speak what you want to see.  Don’t speak out the problem, call in things!  What you’re in is temporary unless you continue to speak it.
The earth is the Lord’s (Psalm 24:1) so if we are in Him, it’s ours.  We have access to go get it!  Don’t wait for it.  Don’t sit down.  GO GET IT! Use the Word as your authority to go get your stuff back!!!
Examine yourself.  Check your inventory.  Be honest with yourself (God already knows anyways so you can’t fool Him and trying to fool yourself is crazy!)  Get things in order.  Check it off the list.  Check me Lord!
The truth will MAKE you!
The devil wants you to stay stuck and be deceived.  He doesn’t want you to know the truth. He wants to keep us from going further in God.  The devils assigned to you know you so they know how you will respond to what he throws. He wants to get you off track.Galatians 6:7-8
You reap what you sow.  If you want good fruit you must put out good things.
Let God come through by giving him your all.
The devil wants to keep you complacent but your discernment will allow you to pass the test.  We know he is a liar so why do we listen.  Don’t just say the cliché (the devil is a lie).  Stop listening to his lies. That’s like swallowing his vomit.
Philippians 4:8
Think on these things.  Knowing and doing are two different things.  Speak and believe (affirmations)
Matthew 11:28-30
You won’t get the answers if you bypass God.
What you speak and believe, you will receive.
Be careful what you speak.  Ask the Holy Spirit to check you when you speak.

Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 7/23/17
Psalm 103:20
Angels know God’s Word.  Speak the Word of God and the Angels respond.  God’s Word is true.  The Angels only do God’s Word.
Ezekiel 37:1-10
Why are you standing around looking?  Why are you waiting on someone else to say something?  That’s why you have a voice.  Prophesy as commanded!  Do what God says!  Prophesy what you want to see.
John 11:40
If you believe you will see!  We will never see if we don’t believe.
Jesus didn’t rush to Lazareth.  We have to realize who Jesus is.  Don’t worry, panic or get upset. He is on your side.
Get prepared to go through the process to get to the end result.  You can’t be half cooked.  You mess up the process when you rush it.  Go through it to come out right (trust God and stand).  If you focus on the process, you won’t make it though.
Everything Jesus spoke was in line with God so He knew it would come to pass.
Just do what He says.  Stop talking and complaining. (Just roll the stone away and see His glory)
There is no such thing as half faith.
When Jesus called Lazareth, he obeyed.  He was dead and obeyed, but we are alive and do not.
John 11:43 – Lazareth was still wrapped when he came out, but he still responded and come out.  Jesus then spoke to free him.
When God calls you and you move, you get closer to Him and He can free you.  Praise Him, speak the Word and believe what you speak!  Get it in your spirit.
You can change your situation.
Walk in M.A.P (Miracles, Authority, Prosperity)Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 7/30/17
A Paradigm Shift
Acts 3:1-10
Things come in our lives/paths that totally change our destiny.
Didn’t have a sense of a computer before it came.  It was out of our realm.
Still don’t know how the fax works but we know it does!
After you started utilizing the computer, you got rid of the old typewriter.  No longer had a use for it.
Pay phones stopped being used when cell phones became more accessible.  Now you rarely see a pay phone.
Some people are still stuck in the old.  They can’t see the benefit of the new.  They want to stay in what is familiar and comfortable because they are scared to step out.  They think it is safe/easy. They aren’t ready to move, which is a trick on the devil to keep you held back from growing higher and from learning.  Get out and explore to go higher!
We are people of faith, not fear.
A Paradigm Shift is upon us.  Paradigm Shift is a time when the usual and accepted way of doing or thinking changes completely!
The church is supposed to be the catalyst for change.  But the church has gotten stuck in the hooping/hollering and people pleasing.  Nothing is changing in people’s lives.  People was comfort not conviction.
God is a consuming fire (burn up the old sinful man).
If you know who Jesus is, you would want him to change you.
The church has become stagnant even though it’s “growing”.  There is no anointing/brokenness.  Nothing happens if you aren’t filled with the spirit.
People are stuck and not realizing that God has something greater/better.  If Jesus is calling you out of the box, let him show you greater.
You be the catalyst and STEP OUT!
People talk about how Peter took his eyes off Jesus but they fail to realize that at least he stepped out of the boat.  Peter didn’t look at the past or people – he stepped out.  No need to look back.
God created us with our feet/eyes towards the front so that we can go forward.  Focus on going forward.
It’s ok to glance in the rear-view mirror to see that’s not you anymore!  Take a glimpse to see how far you’ve come.
Acts 3:1-10 – the lame man was at the right place, at the right time to receive.  He didn’t expect that what he was getting was going to change his life forever, but he had expectation.  We stay in familiarity because that’s all we expect.  He had the opportunity to say YES.  Although he didn’t say it with his words, he said it with his heart!  Opportunity will pass you by if you don’t receive it.  Stubbornness causes you not to receive.
Don’t go back to what God pulled you out of. Like the prodigal son – he came to himself and realized what he had was greater.
Get from the old ways to where God is moving us.
When there is a paradigm shift, it is a complete change!
It’s your choice – don’t get so comfortable where you are.  Get your house in order – get in line.
The Shift is already taking place.  Step into it!!Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 7/30/17
A Paradigm Shift
Acts 3:1-10
Things come in our lives/paths that totally change our destiny.
Didn’t have a sense of a computer before it came.  It was out of our realm.
Still don’t know how the fax works but we know it does!
After you started utilizing the computer, you got rid of the old typewriter.  No longer had a use for it.
Pay phones stopped being used when cell phones became more accessible.  Now you rarely see a pay phone.
Some people are still stuck in the old.  They can’t see the benefit of the new.  They want to stay in what is familiar and comfortable because they are scared to step out.  They think it is safe/easy. They aren’t ready to move, which is a trick on the devil to keep you held back from growing higher and from learning.  Get out and explore to go higher!
We are people of faith, not fear.
A Paradigm Shift is upon us.  Paradigm Shift is a time when the usual and accepted way of doing or thinking changes completely!
The church is supposed to be the catalyst for change.  But the church has gotten stuck in the hooping/hollering and people pleasing.  Nothing is changing in people’s lives.  People was comfort not conviction.
God is a consuming fire (burn up the old sinful man).
If you know who Jesus is, you would want him to change you.
The church has become stagnant even though it’s “growing”.  There is no anointing/brokenness.  Nothing happens if you aren’t filled with the spirit.
People are stuck and not realizing that God has something greater/better.  If Jesus is calling you out of the box, let him show you greater.
You be the catalyst and STEP OUT!
People talk about how Peter took his eyes off Jesus but they fail to realize that at least he stepped out of the boat.  Peter didn’t look at the past or people – he stepped out.  No need to look back.
God created us with our feet/eyes towards the front so that we can go forward.  Focus on going forward.
It’s ok to glance in the rear-view mirror to see that’s not you anymore!  Take a glimpse to see how far you’ve come.
Acts 3:1-10 – the lame man was at the right place, at the right time to receive.  He didn’t expect that what he was getting was going to change his life forever, but he had expectation.  We stay in familiarity because that’s all we expect.  He had the opportunity to say YES.  Although he didn’t say it with his words, he said it with his heart!  Opportunity will pass you by if you don’t receive it.  Stubbornness causes you not to receive.
Don’t go back to what God pulled you out of. Like the prodigal son – he came to himself and realized what he had was greater.
Get from the old ways to where God is moving us.
When there is a paradigm shift, it is a complete change!
It’s your choice – don’t get so comfortable where you are.  Get your house in order – get in line.
The Shift is already taking place.  Step into it!!Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 8/13/17
New Beginnings – AUGUST
Jesus paid the price so when you gave your life, he expects something from us.  You owe him your life!
People don’t want the truth anymore.  They want to feel good/comfortable.  But the truth will MAKE YOU free (John 8:32 KJV).  It will MAKE YOU
Your praise to God has nothing to do with your circumstances but because He is God!
Paradigm Shift – you don’t have to wait to feel something.  Just JUMP IN!
The number 8 represents New beginnings.
August is the 8th month.  August = the Awe of God.  Awe – reverence, respect, fear.  Gust – brief, strong rush of wind, outburst
Matthew 14:22-29
Stepping out – you need the Lord to help you.  Jesus is your friend.  You can’t tell everyone everything.  “They” will speak against what you are trying to do.
Step out on faith or step back to fear.  If Jesus is saying come, step out of your comfort zone.  Peter stepped out on the Word, not the water.  We don’t step out because we don’t really trust God.  God sees your heart, not your hand raised.  Time to Step OUT!  Don’t let the season pass.  You have to choose God over your family/friends.  We start off focused on the Word until the trials come, then we lose focus.  Faith stays if you keep it.  Don’t let go because of fear.  When God is in the midst there is no interruption.  God won’t distract you from what’s bringing you closer to him.  Step out and trust him.  Don’t let the devil run you, you do the talking!  Keep the devil under your feet! Any step you make towards God is a great step.  When you step out on God you will see the NEW THINGS happening.  Jesus paid the price to free us so why do we choose to stay bound – to stay the same and in the same?  He came that we might have life (John 10:10) so why aren’t we living?  James 4:8 – draw close to God and He will draw close to you.  You gotta make a step.  Don’t be concerned with your flesh but with lining up your spirit man with the Word of God.Step Up – Time to do it.  Start living the scriptures.  Live in the overflow.  An increase in favor/blessing is coming to those that believe!  Step out and step up into what God has called you to do.  Now he can use your life according to his purpose, for His Kingdom.

Step on – so you won’t sink/fall.  When you take your eyes off Jesus, you take your eyes off supernatural things that only He can do so He can get the glory.  If you look at the natural, you won’t accomplish the supernatural.  Be finishers in this season – don’t start and not finish.  You ran well, but who hindered you (Galatians 5:7).  Pace yourself.  Don’t jump ahead.  Stick to God’s Word.  What God says is more than what people say.
The gust will push you to get back in alignment! Suddenly, financial blessing/favor/freedom/opportunity
Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 8/20/17
We have to have faith to believe.  Faith is already there.  The devil doesn’t want you to look at the faith you already have.  We have faith in other things (jobs, cars, chairs, etc.) but we question our faith in God.  We see it as normal in other things.  The devil wants us to think it’s not normal to have faith in God.  You have to believe.
II Samuel 6
We start off good, but we fall off and stop obeying God.
Exodus 25 (read it) – it gives instructions about how to build the ark and how it will be the place that God resides.
Christians read the Word, but then follow others and what others say.  We allow our flesh to get irritated by others, which shows that person controls our attitude.  We aren’t following Christ if we let others control us.
When God gives instructions, they are to be followed exactly.  Can’t follow part and expect God to move.  Instead of the overflow, you will only get the midst (drizzle).  If you follow the instructions accordingly, you can expect the overflow.
God won’t reside in a raggedy place.  You can’t live raggedy and expect God to dwell.
David – had an idea/plan to make it “easier” to move the ark.  A shortcut.  But there is no new way!  The devil tries to trick you into thinking you’re right because you got a little blessing but you know the truth.
Uzzah tried to cover the ark when it was falling.  How can you protect something that’s done in the wrong to try to make it right?  When you’re following God’s instruction you don’t have to cover/protect it because God already has.  You can’t try to cover it up like it’s ok.  When you do, it causes a hindrance.
You can’t go again what God has already spoken.  You can’t add to nor subtract from the Word (Deuteronomy 4:2).  You can’t get mad at the instructor when you didn’t follow the instructions.
We follow the instructions of the world but not God.  When you gave your life to Christ, your life is not your own.
Read it again, read it slower, read it out loud so that you can hear it.  Faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17).  Comprehend the instructions.
David’s disobedience killed Uzzah.  When we don’t follow God and others see us and follow us and fall, their blood is on your hands because you weren’t being an example.  You have to LIVE it ALL the time! Work at it.
When you got God, your house is blessed!
David praised!  He did whatever he had to do and didn’t care what anyone said about him.  You have to use what you have to praise.  When God comes in, you will be blessed!
Michal mocked David so she was cursed and died without children.
Make sure you follow God.  Live the best you know how.  Ask God to help you.  Be in the right placeNoted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 8/27/17
Never Give Up!
It’s not working because you aren’t working it.
When a woman is in labor she doesn’t give up on pushing, but we want to give up on God.
You have to pedal for the bike to move.  We have to DO something (rebuke the lazy spirit)
Shouldn’t have to hurry up and get ready.  You should be ready at all times.
Never Give Up
Do something
Be ready
Some people are stuck on the same page of their lives/in the same cycle for years.  Haven’t gotten further than page one of the book of their life.  When they are about to turn the page, something happens and they can’t turn it.  Doesn’t matter how much you fall, don’t stop.  You can’t stop.
Your determination is because of God, not people.
I might not be the best person but I’m better than I was!
Pain doesn’t come to strengthen you but to test the foundation you’re building on.  Christ is solid.  No cracks, no potholes. It is sure!  Any other foundation will fall.
Things happen to everybody.  Stay solid! When things happen, it allows you to know what foundation you’re on.  Don’t go back to the old.  Check your foundation!
Be thankful for what you have instead of complaining about what you don’t.  You are something because Christ is on the inside of you.
Job 1:1-22
The devil was trying to wear Job out.  Hitting him back to back.  But Job worshipped!  How do you respond when stuff happens?
You have to be stable on the foundation so no one can move you.  Job never gave up and restored – double!
You’ll never know the outcome if you give up.
The devil brings fear, God brings faith.
God gave us dominion.
When fear overtakes you, you can never reach your full potential.
Job 42:10 – increase came because Job never gave up.  His latter days were more blessed than the beginning days.
Never give up so you can see the fullness of God!
I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!!Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 9/3/2017
Thy Kingdom Come
Matthew 6:9-13
We quote and say not my will but your will be done Lord.  But we don’t live accordingly
Lack is because of you!
The devil’s job is to keep you in a blind spot.
To fulfill the Kingdom on earth you need finance.
There’s a work you have to do for God to fulfill the blessings.
How can you fulfill the Kingdom if you aren’t doing anything?  You’re saved but you just sit down…. what are you doing for the Kingdom to come?  What are you doing for it to be like it is in heaven?
Seek God First (Matthew 6:33).  If we don’t seek Him, we can’t function/operate
God knows how to prosper you in more than money but in every area of your life.
Luke 5 – They were fishing in their own strength.  They got burnt out because they didn’t seek God first.
We will toil because we don’t seek God.  There’s something you missed, that’s why it’s not happening.  There is only satisfaction in seeking God first.
Jesus got IN the boat!  Nothing happened until Jesus told him where to cast the net.  When Jesus spoke and they listened/followed, they were able to succeed – the fish were already there.  When God speaks, everything has to line up!
Things you need, what you seek is already there but until you seek God and obey you won’t find/see.  We look to God to bring it but it’s already here on earth.   How do you get it?  Follow the plan
How to get out of debt – follow the plan.
People get stuck in religion because they don’t know who God really is.
Relationships break up because of finances
Get the keys to the Kingdom.  The devil will tempt you so you stop and don’t get the keys.  People have to want it for themselves.
Malachi 3:8-12
Why aren’t we seeing the overflow – because we aren’t completely tithing.  We have to give 10% of ALL our increase.
Tithes open the windows but offering bring the breeze through the window (the blessings)
If you are filled with Holy Ghost fire, it should burn up everything that’s not like God.  Does your life line up with the Word of God?  The Word cuts it all off and makes you clean.
You complain about the 10th but God lets you keep the 90!!
Your tithe is a fence of protection!
Your seed comes from what belongs to you.  Only you can touch it and sow it.  It won’t grow until you plant it.  The seed forms more fruit when you plant it.  Sow sparingly, reap sparingly (2 Corinthians 9:6).  The more you sow, the more you will receive.
The Kingdom functions different than the world.  God says give!  Invest in God!
You have to be a good steward over what God has given you.
We are too attached to things – let it go so God can bless you.
The blessing is already in your house.
God will start downloading ideas and ways for you to generate increase.  Don’t bypass them.
He will send His blood.
Tushiya Anointing – Sound, efficient wisdom; abiding success.  This anointing will help you succeed in life – it’s all about Him!
Follow the instructions
Don’t get caught up in the world’s system.
We make His word of non-effect because we don’t walk in it.
Being blessed isn’t about material possessions.
We are responsible for living the word we know.
2 Corinthians 9:6-11
He won’t give you seed if you aren’t going to sow it.
We depend on people more than on God.
Romans 13:8 – owe no man nothing but love
God can’t bless you if you are robbing him.  You’re killing your destiny/dream by not giving to God.
We stop things by not doing what God called us to do.Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 9/10/2017
Persistent Faith – Elder Hutton
I will bless the Lord at all times (Psalm 34:1-3)
Persistent Faith – firm, inflexible, unmoved, unwavering.  Applying constant pressure.  Staying on it.  Not letting up.  Continuous despite opposition.  Not giving up until the desire result is achieved/obtained.
Faith does not lay down and let the devil walk over it.
The devil is happy when we are inconsistent.
Bulldogs hold on tightly.  We have to hold on no matter what
Hebrews 11:1 – Certainty, sureness
The woman with the issue of blood had persistent faith and it paid off.  She was healed.
Stay the course.  Hang in there
Luke 18:1-8 – The persistent widow
We have to wear out/down the enemy with the Word of God.
God will vindicate us.  He will see that we get justice if we are persistent
Mark 11:24
God is the only one that can come through for us when we rely on Him, in His way.  No matter what, wait on God.
Water the seed with the Word
Philippians 4:19; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Proverbs 16:3
Stay steady.  The Word tells us what to do and say
Jeremiah 29:11
We should be just like plant – you have to care for it, water it, prune it
We must have/give continual thanksgiving and praise
Stand for something or fall for anything
Negativity will dry up the seed.  Doubt is like weeds that destroy the harvest.
Quitting is not an option
God is on our side and He is the answer
Luke 11:5-13 – importunity – persistence to the point of annoyance
We have to conform to God’s standards.
We are accountable to use the Word and make the Word effective
We have to find the missing link, which is usually us not seeking God
Persistence helps us to be determined and focused
We have to be persistent in searching the Word of God.  You have to put work in.
Ephesians 4:11-16
Maturity develops as we listen to godly teachers.  If you desire understanding, He will provide it.  We draw from their anointing.  We need the Word to shape our lives.
Christ has to rise up in us.  Flesh has to sit down
Be watchful.  Be vigilant.  Stay persistent
Be aggressive in your faith.
Stay connected to Jesus.  Yield to Him.
John 15:48 – God is greatly glorified when we don’t give up
Romans 10:17
The just shall live by faith!
Hebrews 11:6 –  it is impossible to please God without faith
Speak to the mountains (Mark 11:23)
Don’t take your faith lightly.
The devil wants to steal your persistent faith.  Fight for it.
Trust God at all times.  Stay hopefully.  Do your part.  Faith is our currency
You get what you put in. Be hungry to receive
Facing/overcoming trials helps to produce persistent faith
Spend time with God to know him more intently.  Meditate on the Word.
If you aren’t saying anything, you aren’t fighting off anything.  Speak it!
Faith is the key to everything in the life of a believer.Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 9/24/2017
Acts 27 – they dropped the anchors.  Paul told them that they needed to stay in the ship to be saved.
If you drop your anchor (faith) in the middle of the storm you will get tossed to and fro.  Where is your faith when your prayer isn’t answered when or how you want it to be?
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Saints need to wake up and recognize the times we are in and see where the times are going.  It’s important not to make a vow you can’t keep (Ecclesiastes 5:4).
Faith is our anchor.  Why did you drop it?
He said you will receive it, but not when you would.  Where is your faith?
Everything works out when you’re walking in the will of God.
Be worried if you don’t have trouble.  The devil tricks us into thinking we are only troubled because we are saved, but we had the same troubles in the world.  But NOW, we have someone to help up through them.  We have the Lord to help us when we go through.
If you have a relationship with Christ, that’s all you need.
God can rapture your spirit at any time – even before the rapture.  You have to be ready at all times.
A lot of pastors aren’t teaching what’s going to help people.  You may get material things, but where is your soul going?
Everything we need is in the Word!
I Kings 18:41-43 – the drought ends after 3 years.  When he looked he didn’t see it with his spiritual eyes
God is moving but not on doubters or those that have turned their backs on him or his promises.  How are you living? Are you lining up?  What are you doing to get it?  You have to shift yourself.
Read the word about what you need – healing, peace, joy.  What we need is in the Word!
Do you have enough faith to wait on God and to not give up while you wait?  Say it’s coming even if you don’t see it!
You don’t see it because of where you are.  Where is your discernment?  You have to see it before you see it.
He told him to go back and look 7 times.  You have to LOOK AGAIN!!
Your praise shows how God brought you out!!Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 10/1/2017
Luke 5:1-9
Can’t learn to swim in shallow water – gotta jump into the deep end.
There were more people than just Peter.  Peter was a fisherman (he knew it).  But he was still ready to give up.  Sometimes we think we know because we are used to it so we neglect the power of God speaking.
Anybody can preach from the shallow place but for something to happen/a miracle to take place, you have to go out into the deep.
When there are two it is a union.  When Jesus got in to boat with Peter, there were two in the boat.  Peter had the opportunity to listen to Jesus and obey!
When everything and everybody irritates you, you are in the shallow – you are a shallow person.
Peter and the others left the boat (their blessing) because they didn’t find any fish/because it didn’t happen overnight.
God is a deep God.
When you complain, you are shallow.
If you trust God and really believe, you should know He is going to work it out.
Things won’t happen if you doubt.
You have to be where God is, in the deep – go out!  When Jesus comes into your life (your boat) and you obey, things happen in your life.  It won’t happen if you disobey.  Even if you say it, it won’t happen if you’re not in the right place.  You have to put action behind the words.
When you want to act like you used to and tell people off, the old man is still at the surface.  You didn’t bury him all the way.
Believe the word of God, not what others say.
With God, we are able to accomplish GREAT things.
God is amazing and created us amazing (created our bodies to operate/function).  We can accomplish anything.
Do you have enough to keep going after you fail?  If you give up, you will never see what the end’s going to be.  Don’t give up!
Go deeper!! Go deeper in worship.  Go deeper in praise.  Go deeper in reading, love, education.  He saved us for a reason!
Some people are afraid of rejection or success, but if you stick with God, you can do it!!
Peter would have missed his blessing if he would have given up.  You never know what God is about to do.
It’s about how you look at it.  It isn’t too much – it’s not enough!!  Can always do more.
The word of God moves, shifts and brings things.  Even the fish obey the word of God.  When God speaks!! It’s about His word!
Obey what God says no matter what and watch what happens.
You only want to give up because of your feelings.  He loves us enough to give us chances.
Unsaved believe more than saints.
If we want the overflow, we have got to go deeper.  We can’t settle.  We don’t have time not to stay shallow.  Gotta go deeper so we don’t miss what God is saying.
When you disobey God, you miss your blessing.
Don’t settle for shallow.
It’s not about what you see but what God says you see!  God has great things in store – miracles, signs and wonders.
Watch who you surround yourself with.  Don’t be with shallow people that want to give up and get out the boat.
Hold on with a tight grip to God.  Don’t think you know it all.  You won’t be moved because you think you know what God will do.  You don’t know!
Put God first.  LISTEN and OBEY!!Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 11/12/2017
Cataracts just form and they have to be surgically removed because they block vision.  Some things have to be removed in order to see.
Many Christians have sight that is off.  We get so used to doing things the same way.  You have to adjust!
When you first put glasses on it looks blurry because you aren’t used to it.  You have keep wearing them and eventually your eyes adjust.  It’s the same with our walk as Christians.  It gets easier as you continue in it.  It becomes your lifestyle.
When God comes in, the blinders come off and you see what God has for you.
Get in position to see!  If something is blocking you, you can’t see.  Some don’t even realize they are blocked.  Reposition yourself!  If you can’t see, move!  Shift!
Social media makes you want to be “liked.”  You do what you need to do to be “liked.”  I didn’t come to fit in!  You have to stand before God by yourself.  I’m not worried about who “likes” it.  I’m only waiting for God to like it.  All I need is one like!  Woe unto them when all speaks well of you (Luke 6:26).  We are to be Christ-like and they didn’t like him either.  You can’t be greater than your master (John 15:20).
What are you looking for?  Get in position to be used.  Sometimes you have to adjust your belt (in or out).  We adjust simple stuff and don’t even think about it but we have a problem adjusting when it comes to our lives.  The devil wants us to remain the same.
When we aren’t in position, we make the word of non-effect.  Position yourself for greatness.  Can’t do the same thing and expect different results.
God is always moving so you shouldn’t be in the same spot that you were in 6 months ago.   We waste time trying to please people.
When Jesus walked he was usually by himself.  He went off alone to pray.
We can all be looking at the same thing but everyone’s perspective is different (Peter saw Jesus walking on water while others saw a ghost).
You have to be in your rightful place to see so you can receive.  If you’re in your rightful place you will be able to see and receive what is in the Word of God.
Numbers 13:25-33
Sometimes we only see the mess and look past the beauty (like when a baby is born).
If you know who you are in God, you won’t let everyone talk to you or speak into your life.  Pray and keep moving.  Your life will convince people.
God wants us to take the land.  It won’t always be easy for us.  We are well able to possess it because God already spoke it.  We are all great in God.  There is no need to compare to others.
They others came with a bad report because they had a bad perspective.
Weak people speak weak all week.  Weak people want to be liked and want people to agree with them.
My perspective is about God!
The devil will use whoever allows him to.  Know who you are so you aren’t intimidated.
They saw themselves as grasshoppers so that’s how they saw him. Whatever a man thinks in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7).  If you believe it, that’s what you will portray.
You aren’t nothing.  We are made in his image so we are something!!   (2 Corinthians 5:17) You are new in Christ!!  You ae a new creature.  Walk in boldness, strength, in the power of God!
When God puts you in position and gives you an assignment, you have to follow through.
Things are changing, be in your right place so you aren’t left behind.Noted by Sister Letrice Russell

LWDM Church Notes 11/19/2017
Why would God keep blessing you if you aren’t doing anything with it or telling anybody about it? – Pastor Vic
No assignment is greater than another.  When the assignment is from God, you might have to walk alone.  People won’t like you.  People will talk about you.  You have to cry all day and all night.  I GOT AN ASSIGNMENT!
Matthew 10:1, 5-16
Anyone called by God has an assignment.
Make sure everyone in your boat is rowing (not drilling holes to sink you).  It’s your responsibility to kick people that aren’t rowing off the boat!
Shake the dust off your feet so you can continue your assignment.  Just like in school you have to complete the assignment to get the grade.
John 10:10 – the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy but he comes that we will have life!  The devil comes to divide and separate.  He tries to play/tempt you so you give up.  Stay in your word and stay connected to the source.  You’re weak if you act on what the devil speaks.
When you’re on assignment, no matter what you have to complete it!  You can’t half do it.  The cup has to be clean on the inside first (not just the outside) (Matthew 23:26)
When you’re on assignment, you already know that things will come your way.  You have to already been on the lookout.
A solider won’t be on the front line with no ammunition.  The Word on the inside is your ammo.
Jesus sent the disciples on assignment.  God sent Jesus on assignment.  We are to be like Jesus.  He gave us dominion, power, and authority.  The assignment was specific (Matthew 10:8).
Even Noah was on assignment.  God was preparing him.  God prepared Noah and Noah obeyed.  God gives us an assignment and we do it how we want to.  That doesn’t work.
You are peculiar.  Everyone won’t like you.  You have to refuse to remain the same when God has brought you out!  Don’t get distracted while you’re on assignment because of the way others look at you or because of what others say.  Just keep building.  Keep working towards your assignment.
When God shuts a door, no one can open it.  Don’t wait until it’s too late.  The devil’s assignment is to steal/kill your assignment.
You need the Holy Ghost to lead you.  The devil fights you hard because you are doing right and he knows God is connected to it.
Your assignment starts in prayer.  If you don’t pray it shows you don’t believe.  Pray so you can hear from God.  Even if you don’t hear, trust and walk by faith!
When you’re on assignment, the anointing does it for you.  It’s not you!  God moves through you.  When you are outside of the assignment, you are outside of the anointing.  The anointing works by itself.
You can’t worship when you’re in sin!
The anointing destroys yokes (Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38) and denominations.  It breaks down walls.  People aren’t convicted or changed when there is no anointing.  Don’t come to be entertained.
When you’re on assignment, you can’t walk with some people, you can’t watch some things, you can’t go some places.
Finish the work God started.  It’s not always easy.  He saved us to make a difference – to win souls for the kingdom.  To serve, give, love, intercede, pray (always – no matter what or who it is).
God doesn’t need your praise.  Praise is for you!
Fulfill your assignment.
You never know when it will be your time so you want to stay in Christ.
Sometimes when you’re in the midst of something, you’re on assignment and don’t even know it.  You might not see or understand until the end.  Trust God even when you don’t see it.
Have an assignment attitude:

  • Be focused/not distracted
  • Sill love
  • Stay on track (it’s harder to get back on when you get off)
  • Don’t care about what else goes on but press to see the end

Noted by Sister Letrice Russell